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About Us

Why do we do this?

Because we fly, just like you.


Brad Pinnell

Hailing from a farm somewhere west of Bakersfield, CA, Brad was born into sweeping hangar floors at a corporate flight department and begging for plane rides. Sometimes he succeeded..even talking his way into the jumpseat of a G-IV on occasion, but most of the time, he walked the airport trying to turn a dime washing planes and acting as ballast for $100 hamburger flights.

Fast forward to today:  He flies as a chief pilot of a Maule MXT-7 for two lovely ladies.  He started this venture as a way to put more pilots in the left seat of their dream planes without spending countless hours weeding through the difficulties in finding and acquiring their dream planes.  When he's not searching for your next new airplane, he's dreaming of dirt strips and family vacations and most importantly, bringing the next generation of technology and customer service to the industry and brotherhood of aviation.

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